Estanc joined the UN Global Compact to help shape a sustainable future

UN Global CompactEstanc joined the 9,900 companies across the world that have embraced the United Nations Global Compact.

The Global Compact asks participating companies to pursue two complementary goals. Firstly internalize the ten principles within the company’s strategies, policies and operations. Secondly undertake projects to advance the broader development goals of the United Nations, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals.

For Estanc it matters to make business right, it means we are strongly committed to integrating the Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption into our business strategy and into our day-to-day operations.

The Global Compact is the world largest corporate sustainability network. We can learn from others and also, show example on how to create sustainability and have a positive impact on the society. The UN Global Compact gives us a framework to follow.

Part of the program is documenting the progress. We are required to write a yearly COP (Communication on Progress) report where we will be presenting the progress on the Ten Principles to monitor the success.

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