Sustainable processes are in our DNA
We are an integral part of building a sustainable and prosperous world while creating better lives for everyone. We focus our efforts on areas where we deliver the greatest positive impact. Considering that our products help to contribute to the alleviation of some of the industry’s and world’s greatest sustainability challenges.

Goals that turn into results
Through a responsible approach we manufacture products that enable our end-customers a sustainable operation.
Great work environment
We ensure a safe working environment, encourage employee development and use innovative work processes to save energy and reduce waste.
We actually care
We are honest and ethical in our behavior and decisions. We value diversity. We focus on our customer’s and employee’s satisfiaction on the efforts in ensuring their health and safety.
Improved industry
We conduct honest and ethical business and have an open communication with our stakeholders.
We are a role model of sustainability in supply chain, business relations, communication and reporting as well as within the society at large.
We act responsibly
The use of our products, manufactured with green tech working methods, supports the development of resource-efficient and environmentally safe industry.

We are commited to 6 of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals
The UN has set 12 sustainable develeopment goals for companies to abide. Considering that our products help contributing to the alleviation of some of the industries’ and worlds’ greatest sustainability challenges, we commit to the Goals number 3, 7, 9, 12, 13 and 17.
These six goals define our way of doing business and ensure that this post-industrial industry not just survives, but also thrives.
Good health and well-being
Our team is happy, healthy and works in a safe working environment that promotes well-being for employees of all ages.
We consume green energy, use and store environmentally hazardous substances in a safe manner and organize waste management responsibly.
- We create a healthy and modern working environment for our employees and continuously contribute to its development.
- We offer health promoting and sports opportunities on favorable conditions.
- We provide a thorough health inspection by occupational health doctors to all employees.
- We conduct annual internal campaigns to raise employee awareness and facilitate a healthy lifestyle.
- We measure the satisfaction levels of our employees three times a year and act accordingly to create a better working environment.
- We promote the mental well-being of our employees by offering professional counselling.
- We offer employees the opportunity to donate blood to the Estonian Blood Centre at the workplace.
- We offer vaccinations during the flu season.
- We offer employees massages at the office free of charge.
- We offer opportunities for group recreational and sports activities.
- We work on preventing occupational accidents from happening and conduct thorough analyses on all accidents to prevent them from recurring.
- We purchase all electrical energy from renewable sources.
- We ensure environmentally safe storage conditions for hazardous chemicals used in our factory.
- We handle our waste responsibly.
Our products help to modernize the industry, making it more sustainable.