Hello! My name is Aksa.

We are a patron for the a white-tailed eagle who lives in the Tallinn ZOO. After meeting him, we have become good friends and believe that he is a true talisman for Estanc team, who represents our understandings well. We even got to give him a beautiful name – Aksa.

Why is Aksa our soul animal?

The White-tailed Eagle has the best eyesight of all living things – like Aksa, we always see the bigger picture and offer a solution that meets the real needs of our customers.

The White-tailed Eagle has a wingspan up to two and a half meters. We cover the entire project cycle from idea to finished product.

Little eaglets learn and hone their skills for 11-12 years which is 1/3 of their lives – like eagles, we also have a great desire to learn.

Eagles are known for their strong grip – this grip is almost as strong as our focus on our ethics and values.

Eagles are very good intergenerational communicators, females are dominant and the grandmother of the supermatriarch often trains several generations. Estanc team values the teachings of more experienced teammates in the workplace.

Eagles are monogamous and live together for 20+ years as a family. Estanc is a family friendly company with longest employments exceeding 20 years.

Occasionally eagles may dive completely under water . At Estanc we also like to do crazy things and then try to take off with wet wings again.