Estanci’s Sand Battery Idea Brought Jüri School 2nd Place in the “Future Creators” Final

“Future Creators” is a project for school students and companies focused on sustainable solutions, involving industrial companies, professional associations, and primary schools across Estonia and Finland. The goal is to find innovative and sustainable solutions for industrial enterprises.
Jüri School was represented by Frank Bachaus, Elisabeth Valdmann, Aksel Salong, Robert Kaljuvee, and Markus Harald Meidra. The young idea was to reduce energy consumption in Estanc’s operations. Their solution was a sand battery, for which they even made sales calls to international partners. A self-made prototype was created using a 3D printer. The students were guided by their teacher Riivo Rivimets, while Marko Laving from Estanc served as their mentor.
“Future Creators” is a project for school students and companies focused on sustainable solutions, involving industrial companies, professional associations, and primary schools across Estonia and Finland. The goal is to find innovative and sustainable solutions for industrial enterprises.
A total of 10 schools from Estonia and 9 schools from Finland participated in the competition, with 5 schools from each country making it to the finals.