Estanc’s first hydrogen project!
Estanc and Finnish Power-to-X technology company P2X Solutions Oy signed a contract in 2022 to manufacture and deliver a hydrogen and an oxygen tank as well as 3 other, non-pressure tanks for the first industrial-scale green hydrogen and synthetic methane production plant in Harjavalta, Finland.

The corner stone for the production plant of renewable green hydrogen and synthetic methane was laid on 20.01.2021. The Harjavalta plant will be Finland’s first industrial-scale green hydrogen production plant. This project will take Finland to the top of European hydrogen economy, it will also boost regional vitality in Satakunta municipality.
Green hydrogen is the key energy carrier for achieving global decarbonization goals and fulfilling the commitments made within EU to fight against climate change, thus becoming climate-neutral by 2050. Green hydrogen is produced through a process of electrolysis of water, powered only by renewable energies such as wind or solar. During the process water molecule (H2O) is split into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2), which will be stored in pressure tanks manufactured by Estanc. No CO2 is emitted during the production process and the only by-product of the process is water.
The goal for all parties involved in this project is to build a more sustainable world. Most of the products Estanc manufactures are used in sectors where energy efficiency and sustainability are the ultimate priorities. In Estanc we believe that the only right way to do business is in a sustainable manner. We are grateful that our manufactured products are helping to make the world more environmentally friendly place.